Handel’s Messiah Part1 – Arranged by the Sotogrande Cultural Association – 2011

First of all: This is a performance given free by the local communities’ dedicated amateur musicians and singers, believe it or not – the concert was held in a church!

The Hallelujah, an additional finale to the concert of Georg Friedrich Handel’s Messiah Part 1, held on 3rd December 2011 at Nuestra Señora de la Merced church in Sotogrande, Spain.

The Sotogrande Camerata Choir with invited singers and the Jimena Chamber Orchestra, plus four soloists – Soprano Esmeralda Espinosa, Alto Yvonne Edge Higginbottom, Tenor Luis Maria Pacetti and Bass Damian Del Castillo

Choir Coach: Pascual Fernandez
Director: David Higginbottom

Sponsored by Jimena’s CODA Cultural Association and Sotogrande’s Cultural Association

The video content above was filmed & edited by Harry Llufrio
